Digital Nomads: who they are and how to become one

Digital Nomads: who they are and how to become one
May 27, 2024

In the modern world of work, an increasing number of people are embracing the lifestyle of digital nomads, a community of professionals who work remotely from anywhere in the world. This trend is made possible by the widespread use of digital technologies, which allow people to carry out their work activities without being tied to a specific physical location. In this guide, we will explore the phenomenon of digital nomads, examining who they are, what they do, and how they have adapted to the challenges and opportunities of this unique lifestyle. We will also discover how digital nomads are influencing the way we conceive work and life, and how they are contributing to shaping the future of work in the context of an increasingly digitalized society.

Who are Digital Nomads?

Digital nomads are professionals who perform their work remotely, primarily using digital tools and technologies to communicate, collaborate, and complete their work activities. These professionals are not bound to a fixed physical location and often choose to work from different places, frequently travelling or temporarily settling in various locations.

Digital nomads come from a variety of sectors and professions, including programmers, designers, writers, consultants, translators, and more. There are also entrepreneurs who run their businesses remotely and freelance workers who offer services through online platforms.

What unites digital nomads is their ability to use technology to work efficiently and productively from anywhere in the world. This lifestyle offers them the flexibility to adapt their work environment to their personal needs, allowing them to balance work with travel, family, and other interests.

How to Become a Digital Nomads

Becoming a digital nomads requires a combination of skills, resources, and planning. Here are some steps that can help you start your journey to becoming a digital nomads:

  • Assess Your Skills: First and foremost, assess your professional skills and abilities. What are your past work experiences? What are your passions and interests? Identify the skills that can be transferred to a remote work environment.
  • Choose a Suitable Work Activity: Explore remote work options that suit your skills and interests. This could include freelance work, consulting, software development, graphic design, writing, online teaching, and more.
  • Acquire Necessary Skills: If there are specific skills you lack, invest time and resources to acquire them. This may involve taking online courses, attending workshops, or earning relevant certifications.
  • Build an Online Presence: Build a strong online presence that showcases your skills and experiences. This could include creating a digital resume, building an online portfolio, and using social media to promote your work.
  • Find Remote Work Opportunities: Explore online platforms dedicated to remote work, such as Upwork, Freelancer,, and other specialized sites. Look for opportunities that match your skills and interests and apply for remote positions.
  • Develop a Professional Network: Participate in online communities and events where you can connect with other digital nomads and industry professionals. Professional networking can be valuable for finding job opportunities, sharing knowledge, and supporting each other.
  • Prepare Your Technological Infrastructure: Ensure you have the necessary tools and technologies to work remotely, such as a reliable computer, stable internet connection, and relevant software for your industry.
  • Choose Your Destination: Decide where you want to live and work as a digital nomads. You can opt for a variety of destinations based on your personal preferences, cost of living, time zone, and other factors.
  • Organize Your Nomadic Life: Once you've found remote work opportunities and decided on your destination, plan your nomadic life. Arrange accommodation, transportation, and other practical necessities so you can focus on work and enjoy the experience of being a digital nomads.

Remember that becoming a digital nomads requires commitment, adaptability, and determination. However, for many, it can represent a rewarding and liberating way to work and live.

Jobs Done by Digital Nomads

The jobs performed by digital nomads can be extremely varied and depend on the skills, interests, and professional experiences of each individual. However, there are some categories of work that are particularly common among digital nomads. Here are some examples:

  • Freelance Jobs: These may include writing, translation, graphic design, photography, web design, web and software development, consulting, digital marketing, social media management, and more. Freelancers work on projects for a variety of clients remotely.
  • Online Teaching: Many digital nomads work as online tutors, foreign language teachers, fitness coaches, yoga instructors, or music instrument teachers, offering lessons and training sessions through online teaching platforms.
  • Work in the Tech Industry: This may include software developers, computer engineers, data analysts, cybersecurity experts, and more. These professionals can work remotely on software development projects, computer system maintenance, and other technology-related tasks.
  • Marketing and Consulting Services: Digital nomads in the field of marketing and consulting offer business consulting services, marketing strategies, branding, market research, and other services related to businesses and companies.
  • Creation of Digital Content: This may include writers, bloggers, vloggers, podcasters, creators of social media content, and other professionals who produce digital content for a variety of online platforms.
  • Creative Services: This includes artists, graphic designers, illustrators, photographers, videographers, and other creatives who offer design and creative production services remotely.
  • Virtual Assistance Services: Digital nomads who offer virtual assistance services perform a variety of administrative, managerial, and support tasks for businesses and entrepreneurs, such as email management, event planning, social media management, and more.
  • E-commerce and Online Sales: Some digital nomads run e-commerce businesses, selling products or services online through platforms like Amazon, Etsy, eBay, or Shopify.

These are just a few examples of the jobs done by digital nomads, but there are many other possibilities depending on each individual's skills and preferences. Flexibility and adaptability are key to succeeding as a digital nomads.

Useful Tools for Digital Nomads

Digital nomads heavily rely on a range of digital tools to manage their work efficiently and stay connected wherever they go. Here are some useful tools that digital nomads often use:

  • Laptop: A lightweight and powerful laptop is an essential tool to enable digital nomads to work wherever there is an available internet connection.
  • Reliable Internet Connection: A stable and fast internet connection is crucial for digital nomads, who may rely on public Wi-Fi, mobile hotspots, or similar to stay connected during their travels.
  • Work Management Software: Platforms like Trello, Asana, or allow digital nomads to organize and manage their projects, assign tasks, track progress, and collaborate with team members.
  • Communication Tools: Apps like Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Discord facilitate instant communication and collaboration among team members, even when they are dispersed in different locations.
  • Video Conferencing Tools: Platforms like Zoom, Skype, or Google Meet allow digital nomads to conduct meetings, training sessions, or interviews via video conference, without the need to be physically present.
  • Time and Activity Management: Apps like Todoist, Toggl, RescueTime, or Focus@Will help digital nomads manage their time efficiently, track work hours, stay focused, and maintain a work-life balance.
  • Financial Management Tools: Apps like QuickBooks, FreshBooks, or Xero simplify financial management, allowing digital nomads to track expenses, manage invoices, and keep track of earnings.
  • Travel and Booking Apps: Apps like Skyscanner, Airbnb,, or Uber simplify travel planning and booking accommodation, flights, transportation, and other activities during digital nomads' travels.
  • Cybersecurity: Tools like VPN (Virtual Private Network), password managers, and antivirus software are crucial for protecting sensitive data and ensuring online security during travels and remote work.
  • Personal Productivity Tools: Apps like Evernote, Notion, or OneNote allow digital nomads to take notes, organize ideas, create task lists, and keep track of important information wherever they go.

By using a combination of these digital tools, digital nomads can efficiently manage their work, remain productive, and maintain a high level of connectivity and flexibility while traveling and working remotely.

Ariv: Digital Nomads in Switzerland

Ariv represents an excellent resource for digital nomads who wish to temporarily settle in Switzerland, providing tailored accommodation solutions to meet their needs. Here are some reasons why Ariv is particularly suitable for digital nomads:

  • Cozy Fully Furnished Apartments: Ariv offers fully furnished apartments equipped with all the necessary amenities for a comfortable stay, including high-speed Wi-Fi, modern appliances, and well-equipped common spaces.
  • Active Community: Ariv promotes a sense of community among its residents, offering regular social events and cozy common spaces where digital nomads can meet, share experiences, and establish new connections.
  • Strategic Location: Ariv properties are conveniently located in the cities of Basel and Zug, ensuring easy access to urban centers, local attractions, and public transportation, making it easy for digital nomads to explore and enjoy life in Switzerland.
  • Comprehensive Services: Ariv offers a wide range of services, including regular cleaning, laundry services, coworking space, gym, and much more, to meet the diverse needs of digital nomads during their stay.
  • Local Support: The Ariv team is always available to provide assistance and support to its guests, helping them during the settling-in process and offering practical and cultural advice to facilitate adaptation to life in Switzerland.

Additionally, Ariv's presence in the local community provides digital nomads with the opportunity to fully immerse themselves in the life and culture of Basel and Zug, offering recommendations on local restaurants, must-visit attractions, and more.

Overall, Ariv represents an ideal choice for digital nomads seeking comfortable accommodation and a welcoming community while exploring and working in Switzerland. 

Book now and discover our advantages for digital nomads!